Outputs of the logging simulation on the plot 6 of Paracou (French Guiana)
A large named list of 40 elements
- inventory
Output forest inventory (data.frame)
- HarvestableArea
Harvestable area in ha (numeric)
- VO
Objective volume in m3 (numeric)
- HVinit
Initial harvestable volume in m3 (numeric)
- TimberLoggedVolume
Timber logged volume in m3 (numeric)
- NoHollowTimberLoggedVolume
No hollow timber logged volume (only healthy trees) in m3 (numeric)
- TimberExtractedVolume
Timber volume after purge in m3 (numeric)
- FuelWoodBiomass
Harvestable fuel wood biomass in ton (numeric)
- LoggingResidualBiomass
The unused degraded biomass in ton (numeric)
- LostBiomass
Total lost biomass in ton (the total forest biomass lost due to logging (the sum of the AGB of all dead trees, whatever the logging cause) (numeric)
- TrailsDensity
Trails density (preliminary if FWE) in m/ha (units)
- AdjustTrailsDensity
Adjusted trails density if FWE in m/ha (units)
- MainTrails
Main trails (sf)
- HarvestablePolygons
Harvestable zones (MULTIPOLYGON with crs)
- MachinePolygons
Exploitable zones accessible to machines (MULTIPOLYGON with crs)
- PlotSlope
Slopes of the plot (in radians) (RasterLayer with crs)
- SmoothedTrails
Smoothed secondary trails (MULTIPOLYGON with crs)
- MainTrailsAccess
Random access point of main trail for each harvestable zone (POINT with crs)
- TrailsIdentity
Information on sections of the trails (matrix), with LineID: , LoggedTrees: idTree of trees reached by the trails and TypeExpl: type of winching
- RawSecondTrails
Non-smoothed secondary trails (SpatialLines with crs)
- CostRasterAgg
The cost raster (RasterLayer)
- AdjustSmoothedTrails
Adjusted smoothed secondary trails for FWE (MULTIPOLYGON with crs)
- AdjustTrailsIdentity
Adjusted version of TrailsIdentity for FWE (matrix)
- AdjustRawSecondTrails
Adjusted non-smoothed secondary trails for FWE (SpatialLines with crs)
- HarvestableTreesPoints
Harvestable trees points (sf)
- SelectedTreesPoints
Selected trees points (sf)
- FutureTreesPoints
Future trees points (sf)
- ReserveTreesPoints
Reserve trees points (sf)
- HollowTreesPoints
Hollow trees points (sf)
- EnergywoodTreesPoints
Energywood trees points (sf)
- INPUTinventory
Input forest inventory (data.frame)
- scenario
Input value for 'scenario' argument(character)
- objective
Input value for 'objective' argument (numeric)
- fuel
Input value for 'fuel' argument (character)
- diversification
Input value for 'diversification' argument (logical)
- winching
Input value for 'winching' argument (numeric)
- directionalfelling
Input value for 'directionalfelling' argument (character)
- specieslax
Input value for 'specieslax' argument (logical)
- objectivelax
Input value for 'objectivelax' argument (logical)